Saturday, April 18, 2020

Mystical Petersburg Review Essay Example

Mystical Petersburg Review Paper Essay on Mystical Petersburg I live in Petersburg. I admire your favorite city, its architecture and monuments. Opportunity to delve into the mystique Petersburg teased me for a long time. Finally, the desire has come true and I plunged into the mysterious world of Petersburg entirely, and woke up only read to the end! Here, I met with the ghost of Kirov at the Smolny, I learned about the terrible sworn sphinxes time of Amenhotep, about the mysteries of the Field of Mars, of Petersburg nekromantakh and Marquis de Beers, on the severed head of the famous raiders 20s Lonki Panteleyev, met with St. Petersburg witchcraft, with a sinister secret of the bypass channel. Learn about the damn place, ghost Kronwerk, Rasputin Petersburg hotels and subway, a ghost in my neighborhood park Ekateringofsky. Since childhood, I walk out there and never met a ghost! :)) I got to know the mysteries of the St. Petersburg cemetery pets, learned about the horrors of the dead houses, the Flying Dutchman, a fucking swamp, those who wander with us, on the curse Lindulovskaya groves, about the mysteries of Ropshinskoye palace We will write a custom essay sample on Mystical Petersburg Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Mystical Petersburg Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Mystical Petersburg Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer So many things! But I live here, this St. Petersburg native. Fortunately, I have never come across any mysticism, I did terribly afraid of such things! And you? Read was funny and scary. The author has spent on the writing and layout of this for decades. He says, digging in various city archives in search of facts, including the KGB, NKVD, the police. But IMHO, the truth in this book are a small fraction. No matter what facts I do not believe as long as she did not run into similar! Oh, how I would not want to! 8) Still, the book I really liked, and certainly worthy of Petersburgers and curious personalities. The main thing is the ability to weed out unnecessary information, or at least do not take it seriously The language in Stepakova light and humorous.. The author skillfully inserts humorous notes of where it should be creepy and scary Also, in the book there is an application consisting of works:. 1. NV Gogols Nevsky Prospect; 2. FM Dostoevskys The Dream of a Ridiculous Man; 3. AP Chekhovs old house; 4. AS Greens Pied Piper. In general, I liked it!

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